自然科学書出版  近未来社
since 1992
かたつむりの世界  −マイマイ属−

自 序

 筆者は幼少の頃から自然界に生活している小動物が好きで,いつもそれらと遊んでいた。それは,家の近所に同年代の子供がいなかったことにも起因しているだろう。しかし,小学生の頃,6 歳年上の姉が中学校の夏休みの宿題で,蝶の鱗粉転写をやっていた。筆者はそれに協力すべく,捕虫網を手に野原を駆け回っていた。それ以来蝶の美しさに惹かれて,少年時代はもっぱら蝶の採集と収集に専念していた。その結果,高等学校に入学した頃は,少なくとも日本産の蝶には,かなり精通していたものと思う。その頃,筆者に生物の授業をして下さった方が市川和夫先生であった。先生は鱗翅類の研究家として大変御高名な方で,当時秩父鉄道経営の秩父長瀞博物館(現在・埼玉県立自然史博物館)からの委嘱研究員として,同県内に生息する蛾類の調査研究をなされていた。そうしたことから蝶の好きな筆者は,放課後などに先生をお尋ねしては,いろいろと蝶に関するお話を伺っていた。その結果先生との距離も次第に近くなり,折に触れ秩父郡大滝村の三峰山方面へ採集調査の助手のような形で,お供をさせて戴いていた。
 その頃秩父の三峰山までは,今日のような便利な自動車社会ではなかったことから,国電(今日のJR)に乗り,浦和から大宮,高崎線で熊谷,秩父線で三峰口,バスで大輪という行程である。その間の車中における先生のお話は,すべて筆者の血となり,肉となっていったことは事実である。そうしたある日,二瀬付近の谷の斜面(現在の秩父湖),当時ダムは無く,荒川の源流が流れ,谷に下りれば石の上を徒歩で対岸に渡れる状態であった。その対岸の林の中の倒木に付着している数個体のキセルガイを目撃し採集した。勿論それまでは,蝶ばかり追い求めていた筆者には,陸上にこうした姿の貝類が棲息していることなど知る由もなかった。その後も周囲を隈なく探し回り,扁平で毛の生えているもの,キセルガイに似ていてやや太めで巻き方の異なるもの,小さくて殻の色がオレンジ色をしているものなど,幾種類かの陸産貝類という動物群と出会った。それは筆者が17歳の夏の日のことである。数日後先生に,蝶をやめて陸産貝類を始める旨を宣言したのである。先生は,それは大変おもしろい着想とおっしゃられ,棚から青い表紙に緑のカバーの付いた,黒田徳米・波部忠重著『貝類研究叢書・か たつむり』と題された一冊の本を筆者に下さった。蝶に関しての図鑑類は持っていたが,陸産貝類に関しての文献類はこれが始めてのものであった。以後何度も何度も繰り返して読み,そして読みまくった。今ではその宝の本も色は変わり,かなり傷んできたが,最も尊敬していた先生から拝領した思い出の文献なので大切に保持している。
 その後は,この本から得た知識をもとに,県内はもとより近県に至る石灰岩地帯をはじめ各地を訪れて,陸産貝類との付き合いに火がついていった。やがて身の回りは,採集品の山となり我が家の紙箱類はすべて陸産貝類の入れ物と化した。しかし,ほとんどの標本の種名は解らなかった。そうした時に先生のお勧めで,日本貝類学会に入会したのである。学会に入ると何も知らない筆者にも,たくさんの友人,知人ができて,そうした方々からのご教示・ご指導に支えられて,活動範囲も急激にひろまり,日本各地を歩きながら40余年の歳月が過ぎていった。その間,『埼玉県動物誌』の調査執筆をはじめ,戸田市,北本市,富士見市など県内各市の市誌の調査執筆といろいろやってきた。人生で「趣味を1つ持つと,人生が倍たのしめる」というが,筆者は何倍楽しんだか解らない。こうした過去を振り返り「カタツムリ」と共に歩いた40余年,自分の生きた足跡や証を何か残したいという発想から,日本産陸産貝類の中で,最も大きく見栄えのするマイマイ属(Genus Euhadra)だけでも,その生態と標本を示した写真集をと考え,50歳を半ばすぎた頃から取り組んで今日に至った。しかしその仕事を開始して,いろいろな問題に突き当たった。第一は種について考えた時,地理的な面での変異が多く,分類が極めて困難な種が見られることであった。しかし,これまでに種(亜種)名が付けられているものは極力取り上げて掲載することを最大の目的とした。
 最後に,筆者をこのようなライフワークとしての研究の道へお導き下さった恩師,故市川和夫先生のご冥福をお祈りし,ここに感謝を申し上げる。また本書の作成にあたり,「蝸牛行脚」と称して数々の調査行を共にし,本書の原稿を校閲いただくと共に,種々ご指導いただいた湊 宏博士,何かとお世話になった鈴木章司,大原健司,増田 修の各氏,採集に同行し協力を惜しまなかった鈴木崇憲君,標本の提供をしてくださった市川卓哉・美穂乃夫妻,佐久間利子氏,標本写真の撮影でいろいろとご協力下さった大友良二氏,その他多くの方々に心から厚くお礼申し上げるとともに,妻・美智子には,採集調査のため家庭をも顧みなかった筆者への理解と協力に対しても感謝の意を申し上げる。

平成17(2005)年 11月3日
川名 美佐男(日本貝類学会会員)



Ever since my childhood I loved small animals which lived in nature. I played with them because there were no children at my age who lived near my house. When I was an elementary school student, my elder sister was documenting the wings of butterflies as a summer home work assignment in junior high school. I helped her with her work by using an insect net. From that experience, I became very interested in butterflies and was devoted to collecting them. By the time I went to high school, I had a thorough knowledge of Japanese butterflies.
Mr. Kazuo Ichikawa, a very famous researcher of the "Lepidoptera" order of butterflies and moths was my biology teacher in high school. At that time, he was studying the "Heterocera" moth, which lived in Saitama Prefecture at the Nagatoro Science Museum (now the Prefectural National Historical Museum in Chichibu). Because I loved butterflies, Mr. Ichikawa taught me many things after school. Sometime he took me to Mt.Mitsumine as his helper at the Otaki village in the Chichibu district. It was difficult for us to get to Mt.Mitsumine because we did not have a car. We had to take a Japan national railway, (now JR train) from Urawa to Omiya, next from Omiya to Kumagaya on the Takasaki-line, then to Mitsumineguchi on the Chichibu-line. Finally, to Owa by bus.
While we were on the train and bus , Mr. Ichikawa would teach me many things about collecting butterflies for their specimens and about their entomology. I thanked him.
In those days there was no dam at Futase, which was a source of the Arakawa River. If we went down to the valley, we could walk across to the other side of the river. One day at Futase, on a slope in a valley, I caught some land snails which were stuck on some trees that had fallen in the forest. I didn't know anything about snails, because I had collected only butterflies.
After that , I began to collect land snails, flat, hairy, medium-sized ones, large, fat and round ones and some other kinds of land snails.
I was seventeen years old that summer. A few days later, I told Mr. Ichikawa that I had decided to give up collecting butterflies and would begin my study of land snails. Mr. Ichikawa agreed that my decision was a good one and he gave me a book (Helicacea) on land snails written by Dr. Tokubei Kuroda and Dr.Tadashige Habe. I had many books about butterflies, but no books about land snails. Mr. Ichikawa died and this book has become my treasure.
I have read this book over and over again, even though it is damaged and the colour of the cover has changed. I have studied many things about land snails from this book and collected them in Saitama Prefecture as well as in neighbouring prefectures, especially in limestone areas.
By and by I had many boxes of snails in my house, many of which I couldn't possibly know the name of the species. Before he died, Mr. Ichikawa advised me to join Malacological Society of Japan. I studied there and made many good friends. With their advice, I collected many land snails from all over Japan for 40 years. I did research on zoology in Saitama Prefecture. And also I did research at Toda-city, at Fujimi-City and at Kitamoto-city and many other places.
A saying goes, "A hobby makes our life have two times the pleasure".
I had much more pleasure because of my research. After much reflection,I decided to leave my work to those who follow in my foot steps. I decided to leave a photograph album of snails, the ecology of land snails, and the zoological specimens, especially of the biggest and the most beautiful genus "Euhadra".
I began this work in my mid-fifties. When I began to collect them from all over Japan, I found that circumstances had changed. Forty years of development had caused much environmental disruption. I found that there were many critical species. I wrote down the species which has a subspecies in a large literature to the best of my ability. We could not find some land snails where forty years ago there were many different kinds everywhere. When I collected my specimens, I always brought along my camera. But I often forgot to take pictures of them before it got too dark. Because I wanted the pictures, I went back to the former collection sites only to find a wide road and a beautiful golf course.
I guess it was because of the warming of the earth and because the ground had become dry. I would like to leave a photograph album of snails, but my old pictures have changed in colour. My explanations are not sufficient, so I would like to include some information in this book.
Lastly, I pray for the repose of Mr. Ichikawa's soul. I am deeply indebted to my respected teacher who guided me in this research which became my life's work. I also wish to thank Dr. Hiroshi Minato, Mr. Takashi Suzuki, Mr. Kenji Ohara, Mr. Osamu Masuda. For their endless support and encouragement through the years. Mr. Takanori Suzuki who collected specimens with me, and Mr. Takuya Ichikawa and his wife Mihono and Ms. Toshiko Sakuma who gave me some land snails specimens, and Mr. Ryoji Ohtomo who taught me how to take good pictures. Many friends of mine helped me. I thank all of them very much.
Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my wife, Michiko, who understood and cooperated with my work, despite of my neglect of her and our home.

November 3. 2005.